Friday, 4 April 2014

ERROR_0002 - Unable to get the list of connections in pentaho CE 5.0.1 when changing the configuration files from HSLQDB to MySQL

Hello Guys,

In this post I would like to explain Unable to get the list of connections in Pentaho CE 5.0.1 when changing the configuration files from HSLQDB to MySQL.


I've similar problem with Pentaho 5.0.1 istalled on Linux Ubuntu and MySql5.
I followed instruction on this link to connect data to mysql.

I can create by user console new data source but i can't publish new report, metadata, cube (using new version application prd, pmd, psw) on server.
Additionally, if i open on user console --> Browse File --> Folder --> Public --> Steel Wheels --> Reports it remain in loading and don't load anything.

Pentaho Log:

2014-04-03 17:50:20,753 ERROR [org.pentaho.platform.dataaccess.datasource.wizard.service.impl.ConnectionServiceImpl] ConnectionServiceImpl.ERROR_0002 - Unable to get the list of connections: DatasourceMgmtService.ERROR_0004 - Error occurred during retrieving the datasource . Cause: exception while getting children for folder with id "b52d2785-5091-4376-beaa-ab01caf91af5"


It seems to be working now. Somehow, when changing the configuration files from HSLQDB to MySQL, something went broken with the samples, so the steps i did to resolve the issue were:

  • Stop pentaho server
  • Remove or rename folder /pentaho-solutions/system/jackrabbit/repository
  • Start pentaho server

It all seems to be working fine now.

Hope this post helps someone and feel free to give comments and suggestion

Sumit Bansal