Hi Guys,
Here I am coming back to share with you one more useful
information in Pentaho CDE.
How to use extension point in pentaho CDE
Pentaho CDE tool, Extension points are very useful
feature. You can treat this extension points as a advance setting or property
of CCC Bar/Pie/any chart. By setting this extension points you can achieve the
below sample thing like..
- Change the X axis Label
- Change X axis label fonts , COLOR , alignment (vertical , diagonal).
- Same way you can change the Y axis lables/fonts.
Problem1: How can I rotate x axis labels diagonally in
CCC Bar chart with help of extension points.
Solution: In CDE, Open the related CCC chart component,
click on the “Advance Properties”
that component and select the extension
points, it will open the one popup window
Add below extension point to rotate
the x Axis lables.
Arg0: xAxisLabel_textAngle Val0:
Arg1: xAxisLabel_textAlign Val1: right
Problem2: How
can set Y axis fonts and color of labels.
Solution: In CDE, same way set below
extension points ,
Arg0: xAxisLabel_font Val0: 13 px Arial
Arg1: xAxisLabel_textStyle Val1:
Hope this post helps someone and feel free to give comments and suggestion
Sumit Bansal
I need Extension Point in Penatho CDE for restyling invalidDataMessage_text, because invalidDataMessage_text takes a function as text.