Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Installation of MongoDB

 Hey Guys,

In this post i would like to explain the basic installation of MongoDB

Steps to Install MongoDB

Download MongoDB file from the link https://www.mongodb.org/downloads
Extract the zip filer or install the msi file in a folder.

Updates to be made in System

Create a folder in MongoDB folder data/db manually.
Create a folder "log"  inside MongoDB folder manually to store the logs.

Now open a command prompt as an administrator and then run the following commands. By running these commands your mongoDBserver will start and logs will get saved in mongod.log file:

cd C:\MongoDB\bin
mongod --dbpath I:\Servers\data  --logpath I:\Servers\logs\mongod.log

Here I:\Servers\data:you have to specified your db path and log path .
Now to run the MongoShell or client open second command prompt normally and run the following command:


Cheers !!!!!
If you have any question you can ask me or else you can drop me email


R integration with PDI

Hey Guys,

Here i would like to explain the How to integrated R with PDI .

  • Install R 3.0.1
  • Install rJava package along with REngine
  • Set Environment variables for R:
    • R_HOME -  C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.1
    • R_LIBS_USER - C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.1\library
    • Path - C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.1\bin\i386
  • Install pentaho-r-plugin in /data-integration/plugins/steps folder  (find plugin in attachments)
  • Copy /rJava/jri/i386/jri.dll file (for 32 bit system) to /data-integration/libswt/win32
  • Restart PDI
  • In statistics step, you can find R script Executor step.
If you have any question you can ask me or else you can drop me email :
Sumit Bansal
BI Developer